Even though calendar says it's still autumn weather is closer to winter. Naturally we spend more time inside, looking for cozy and warm space. Don't be discouraged - you can make great art pieces even if Ice Age come. Anything you see is motive.
If you have windows oriented to yard you maybe have variety of great motives for painting, photographing and sketching. If don't you can paint or draw something atmospheric from inside of your home.
Painting outside may not be great option because of wind and low temperature but you can stay inside of your home while creating winter motives. Take a photo of some tree, bird or anything you'd like to put on paper. You can pick some colorful leaf and sketch it. Leaf vessels are maybe opportunity to practice details. Birds are great to practice how to match color shades.
(I always struggle to make exactly the same shade as it is - actually I rarely make a match.)
Don't bother if result isn't what you tried to create. Also, don't throw away any artwork you find 'unsuccessful' because some day you can see where you were at some point and where you are now. I can tell, I have dozens of unsuccessful photos. While making mistakes in painting you learn what and how to make it better other time. Same rule works for any kind of art. Best learning class is practicing. Remember what you did in wrong way and practice those details next time. It will pay off.
I wish you great winter art work season and interesting inspiration!